How To Print On Collared Polos

There are countless media on which it is possible to print. We are used to thinking of paper, plastic and the countless materials derived from it, but in reality, many other products can be customized properly, and among these, there is one that we know very well for the simple fact that we wear them every day. That is the fabric of clothes, a material that lends itself perfectly to the purpose and which is normally treated by any typography, traditional or online. When we talk about fabric, however, we must necessarily make distinctions: in fact, there are t-shirts, as you well know, but even on polo t shirts you can print easily and obtain equally satisfying results.

The Logo

In the first case, you can think of a logo or the name of the business, in the second to an image or a photo or even to a much larger logo. On the back it is more or less the same: you can insert a small element in the middle between the shoulders, or provide a much larger space that takes up most of the back. All being able to choose between one, two, three, four colours or the classic four-colour system.

Every typography works differently, so it is essential that before starting to work on the graphic file, you should ask the printer you intend to use. You will save time and effort, but above all, you will understand if the personalization of printed polo shirts that offers you is exactly what you are looking for.

What To Print On Collared Shirts

The second point concerns the content you are going to put on the polo shirts. Here we are not going to discuss the image, the writing or the logo itself, but some unwritten laws that can help you in making the product. First of all, I give you a dispassionate suggestion: try to make clear, little elaborate graphics that are easy to read. Especially if it is material that may have promotional purposes or in any case related to the world of work. So if it is a logo or a company name, for example, it is better to choose one or more colours that stand out on the fabric, avoid coloured backgrounds that create too much confusion and possible contour elements that can divert attention.