Cosmetic Skin Facial Toner Recipes

Natural facial toners are used for all skin types. Astringent herbs and other natural ingredients combine to create toners for dry, sensitive, oily or normal skin, according to Sheridan, the owner of what I think is the best cosmetic skin clinic London has to offer.

Facial toner is a cosmetic term for any solution applied to the face to close the pores after washing with warm water and remove traces of cleanser. Without toner, the skin is vulnerable to any dirt and bacteria in the air, which can clog still-opened pores and cause blemishes or blackheads. Closing the pores by using a facial toner, also known as a skin astringent, will keep the skin clean and clear with regular use.

Although plain cold water will suffice in a pinch, a natural facial toner offers another way to pamper your skin as part of a regular skin-care regime. Other benefits of using toner include increased circulation to the skin, improved skin tone, and the temporary reduction of lines and wrinkles. Astringents draw water from the underlying skin to the surface, which results in the illusion of smaller lines and pores. This fades after several hours, but it’s a nice side effect.

Commercial facial toners often contain chemicals, which plump the skin by causing irritation and inflammation. While this also closes the pores and causes the illusion of reduced wrinkles, it can also be harmful over long periods of time, causing dry and flaky skin. By making natural facial toner at home, the solution can be tailored to specific skin-care needs and no harmful ingredients need be absorbed by the user’s skin.

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Natural Facial Toner for Normal Skin

Astringent herbs such as lavender make wonderful facial toners, and this particular recipe is best for normal skin. If lavender water is unavailable, it can be made at home by making a strong cup of tea with dried or fresh lavender flowers, and then straining the herbs from the liquid.


  • 1 cup lavender water
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable glycerin
  • 1/3 tsp. grapefruit seed extract


  1. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar, cover and shake to blend.
  2. Store in the refrigerator and use within one month for the best results.
  3. Massage into the skin immediately after cleansing using your fingertips. Follow with an herbal moisturizer.

Natural Facial Toner for Dry Skin

Apple cider vinegar works wonders on dry skin. It helps restore the skin’s natural acidity, which promotes toned, smooth and soft skin overall. Combined with an astringent herb, such as mint, vinegar makes an excellent facial toner for dry, flaky skin. If dried mint is not available, 3 tbsp. fresh leaves may be used.


  • 1 tbsp. dried mint leaves
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup distilled water


  1. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar, cover and allow the mixture to steep for three days.
  2. Strain out the herbs, transfer to a clean bottle and store covered in the refrigerator.
  3. Apply to the face with a clean cotton ball immediately after cleansing and follow with a natural moisturizer.

Use within two weeks or discard any unused portion.

Natural Facial Toner for Oily Skin

Oily skin requires a facial toner that is slightly more acidic and drying. Strawberry leaves, while being very good for the complexion, also work wonders for oily skin when combined with apple cider vinegar. If dried strawberry leaves cannot be found, pick them off your strawberries and dry in the sun or a food dehydrator.


  • 2 tbsp. dried strawberry leaves
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup rose water


  1. Combine the vinegar and strawberry leaves in a glass jar, cover and leave overnight.
  2. Strain and discard the leaves, and then add the rose water.
  3. Transfer to a clean, airtight container and store in the refrigerator.
  4. Apply to the skin using a clean cotton ball immediately after cleansing. Follow with an herbal moisturizer for the best results.

Use within one month or discard any unused portion.

Natural Facial Toner for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin may not respond well to facial toners containing vinegar or extremely astringent herbs. In this case, gentle herbs may be used alone for the same effect. This toner is made with the leaves of the lilac bush, which have mild skin cleansing and astringent properties to remove residue and close the pores.


  • 1 cup boiling water
  • ½ cup fresh lilac leaves


  1. Pour the boiling water over the lilac leaves and allow the mixture to cool completely.
  2. Strain and pour into a clean bottle. Store in the refrigerator.
  3. Apply to the skin with a clean cotton ball or cloth immediately after cleansing. Follow with a natural moisturizer for the best results.

Use within one week or discard any unused portion.

