7 Tips To Reduce Your Risk Of Diabetes

Diabetes has become like an epidemic with a large number of people all over the world suffering from the disease. Most people are unaware that they have diabetes. Take the Bluecrest health screening for a diabetes diagnosis. The disease can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, blindness, kidney disorders, and amputation. In Type 2 diabetes, a person becomes resistant to insulin. In Type 1 diabetes, there is a failure of insulin production. Following are 7 tips to reduce your risk of diabetes.

Visit A Doctor

The right diagnosis of diabetes and its proper treatment is important. Visit the doctor at frequent intervals and get yourself checked up for diabetes and other health problems. Follow your doctor’s instructions on diabetes treatment.

Do Exercise

Leading an inactive and sedentary life can cause diabetes. Thus, avoid this. Become more active and do regular exercises. Do walking and other exercises. A regular exercise for half an hour daily five times per week is necessary.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Avoid sugary drinks as it can increase the risk of diabetes. Instead of that, take water. Drinking water instead of sweet drinks will help in reducing obesity also.

Sleep Well

Lack of sleep or not having a deep good quality sleep can cause diabetes and obesity. Thus, sleep well and make sure that you get good quality sleep at night. Consult a doctor when you have persistent sleep difficulties.  

Fight Obesity

Reduce your weight and avoid obesity if you want to prevent and fight diabetes. Overweight people are more likely to have diabetes than other people are. It is possible to decrease the likelihood to have diabetes by 16% if you can reduce 1 kg of your body weight.  

Fight Stress

Reduce your stress to avoid diabetes. Do physical exercises and meditation for stress control. Lead a socially active life and mingle with others to beat the stress in your life.

Take A Healthy Diet

Eat low-calorie vegetarian foods in your meals. Include fruits and veggies in the daily diet. Avoid foods that have high fat and sugar content. Also, don’t eat foods with trans fat.

