How to increase your sales by 27% without spending anything on ads

There is one thing that every ecommerce store owner desires most in one’s life – SALES!!! But sometimes, it is hard to generate sales. As the sales go down, so is your confidence. It is quite heartbreaking sometimes when you do not make a single sale in an entire week because you are constantly spending on paid ads. What can you do in this situation? Is there a method that could bring you some decent leads other than paid ads? The answer is – yes.

SEO can increase your sales without spending on ads

Search engine optimization or SEO may not sound like something that could help you bring sales but statistics tell otherwise. Almost 27% of all ecommerce customers come as organic traffic. It simply means if you work on optimizing your store for SEO purpose you can increase your sales by 27%. Without any investment, this is a great number.

How to SEO

You have to create a blog for your store. You can do the on-page SEO on the content you will post there. Try some tools like Yoast to make your content more SEO-friendly. Also try to get some backlinks if possible that will help with off-page SEO. Another key skill to maste SEO is by being able to write appropriately. You need to write at least 400 words or 1800 characters in order for an article to be effective which is why using a character counter would be very beneficial to ensure that you meet the standards.

Optimize your product descriptions for SEO as well. Also use a descriptive URL. Optimize your meta tags and you are good to go.

Take experts help to increase your sales more

You can also opt for an agency’s assistance if you want to increase your sales more. If you look out for companies that provide good has plenty. You can reach out to them by getting their contact details from Google. They are experts in their field so they can help you better and quicker. Also they make sure that you get good ROI (return on investment) so if you invest on them, they make sure to pay you back.

