Forms Of Storage Organization

At present, it is not possible to find a product in the world that would not have been stored once on its way to the final customer. For this reason, the storage problem is currently extremely important, and its forms of implementation are constantly developed and improved.

In terms of storage, two basic forms of its organization can generally be distinguished: in-house storage and outsourced storage. The whole is complemented by a mixed solution, under which a given company partly satisfies its own storage needs, and partly using external resources. “Partially” here does not only mean the division of stored assortments between warehouses wholly own and warehouses wholly foreign, but for example the independent implementation of warehouse processes in foreign facilities.

Implementing warehouse functions on your own means using your own warehouses and organizing processes within them yourself. Having your own warehouse is associated with large capital expenditures, which enterprises prefer to avoid, especially now in the era of the global economic crisis (this is not only about the availability of investment funds, but also the uncertainty of tomorrow) and complex strategic decisions with long-term effects (such as choosing the location of the warehouse) , its size, technologies used). The use of own storage is also associated with incurring high fixed costs of maintaining the warehouse, independent of the scale of warehouse flows and the amount of stock maintained in it like Rent storage (เช่าที่เก็บของ, this is the term in Thai). In addition, your own warehouse cannot be “moved” from place to place in the event of a change.

Storage prices

 The company covers between used and external storage (“do or buy” problem), in the first case it must assess the potential investment outlays and the costs of such solutions within 5-10 years ahead. In the second case, you must choose between leasing warehouse space and purchasing warehouse services. What matters here is not only the cost, but also the organizational potential of the client, whether in the largest he is able or whether this type of activity should be considered. We usually use logistics services, including wine cellar storage services, when choosing a logistics operator they are guided by the prices.

