Exchange Rate Fluctuations Make Comparison Websites Essential

Most major economies use the Floating Exchange Rate system which is influenced by supply and demand, inflation, interest rates and the general economy. These factors are rarely static, so exchange rates can’t be either.

Back in the days before the Euro when Greek Drachma existed, during just one day when the Greek economy was unstable the travel money rates against the pound changed almost hourly to reflect the panic in Greece and globally. Turkish Lira could also devalue and appreciate with speed.

In 2018, we have a more stable picture for travel money but when the pound or dollar is weak, the Euro slides or the Yen appreciates, please ensure that you get the best deal by checking a travel money comparison website which delivers accurate results. is a market leader; they monitor and list a range of suppliers, their fees and delivery or collection services in an easy to read, minimal input format.

Compare travel money rates in just a couple of minutes. You can lose a significant amount by opting for a lower exchange rate; not pennies but several pounds. This can make the difference between a car hire upgrade, tickets to an attraction, taking home a few more souvenirs for family and friends.

You’ll discover quickly that the high street big name banks, travel agents and supermarkets which most consumers head to for currency because they already use them for other purposes often have the least desirable deals (and overheads to offset with currency transactions.) Waiting until the airport secures you one of the poorest deals possible, but online travel money suppliers regularly have the optimum deal for consumers.

Do British travellers need a strong pound?

A strong pound is excellent news for travellers because they get more currency to spend overseas. A weak pound against the other currency has the opposite effect.

Last year the pound to Euro rates at airports featured on the national news because they were lamentable.

We have benefitted from a weaker US dollar over the last couple of years; travelling to the USA costs British tourists less than it did a few years ago; better travel money rates deliver more dollars in your pocket.

When you return from holiday with leftover currency a strong pound means you’ll get less on a buy back. Locate the right rate and fees so that you don’t lose money.

How to use It couldn’t be easier.

  • Go on to the website to compare travel money rates.
  • Input the currency required and the amount you wish to exchange.
  • Click for delivery or collection.
  • Click on Find Best Rate.
  • A clear list from the best to worst deals available is shown.
  • View customer ratings; you can find out more about the supplier with another click.
  • Conveniently order your currency through the website. Don’t miss out.
  • Have a wonderful trip, confident that you secured a fantastic travel money deal.

Be wise. Compare travel money rates every time that you travel.

