The Importance of Car Pre-Purchase Inspection Winnetka CA

Just as you wouldn’t purchase a new building without inspecting it for mold and structural issues, it is recommended that you hire an experienced mechanic to perform a car pre-purchase inspection Winnetka CA. During the inspection, a knowledgeable auto mechanic will thoroughly inspect the vehicle to ascertain its conditions. They will look for cosmetic and mechanical issues and assess the safety condition of the vehicle.

Why is Car Pre-Purchase Inspection Important?

One of the most important steps to take when buying a used car is to examine it carefully. After all, you don’t know the condition of the car’s in! To you, the car is in great shape and you can’t wait to rev the engines, grab the wheels and zoom off. But do you know the car might have some hidden problems? The best way to find the condition of your car is through a pre-purchase inspection. Hopefully, your auto mechanic can give you a nod and you can go ahead and buy the car.  If, on the other hand, they identify imminent problems you will still be thankful for their service. In this case, you have two options either to look elsewhere or negotiate the price down. Knowing the true condition of your car will help you make an informed decision. Plus, car pre-purchase inspection Winnetka CA will increase your safety and help you anticipate future maintenance.

So What Areas Will Be Inspected?

During a car pre-purchase inspection, your mechanic will conduct a thorough examination of the vehicle, looking at the interior and exterior components. This examination will include the following and more

  • Tires
  • Frame
  • Battery
  • Suspension
  • Hoses
  • Glass
  • Lights
  • Body condition
  • Belts
  • Brake pads
  • Steering
  • Car engine

It is easy to schedule a pre-purchase car inspection. All you have to do is to get the car from the dealer and take it to a knowledgeable auto mechanic to have a look. If the dealer doesn’t feel comfortable leaving the car in your possession then ask if they would be willing to accompany you to the shop. If the dealer refuses, ask if the mechanic can conduct the inspection instead at his workshop. If he’s reluctant, then the dealer is hiding something. Such an individual is not trustworthy. At this stage, you know what to do – walk away. With a car pre-purchase inspection Winnetka CA, your mechanic should be able to advise you whether or not to purchase the car.

