8 Outdoor Musical Instruments You Can Add to Your Park or Playground

United Smart Club

Playgrounds are not just a space where kids can play and have fun. They are designed to help them develop various skills — from communication to body coordination. Adding Outdoor musical instruments can take the educational play experience of children to a higher notch.

Music has long been lauded for the many benefits it offers, especially to youngsters. Playing musical instruments can foster language development and improve their memory. It also enhances their concentration while sparking creativity and boosting self-confidence.

If you own or manage a park or playground, here are eight musical instruments you can add.

Drums. Drums are great outdoor musical instruments because they support children’s eye-and-hand coordination. It can help relieve stress and is a fun way to do some arm exercise. Kundu, Kettle, and Goblet drums are popular for providing various tonal sounds while remaining highly durable. Its polycarbonate drum skins can withstand intense drum-playing and weather conditions. These are drums that are specially made for children five years old and up.

Junior drums. Junior drums are designed for kids who are two to five years old. The junior versions of Kundu, Kettle, and Goblet drums also provide a variety of tonal sounds — only that they are shorter in height. Safety surfacing is optional, helping parents and guardians be at ease while their early drummers fully enjoy creating rhythms.

Vivo metallophone. Metallophones are instruments composed of sound-producing metal pieces. This metallophone lets young music lovers experience 15 lush notes in a simple yet indulging manner. With this, children can play songs that they are familiar with or even try their hand at composing at an early age.

Animato metallophone. This is one of the most in-demand outdoor musical instruments. Unlike the vivo metallophone, the animato has 15 flat bars. Though flat (and not tubular), it can still create resounding notes that children would be ecstatic to play and hear.

Jingle metallophone. Jingle metallophones are vivo metallophones for kids two to five years of age. It is composed of eight tubular bars, allowing children to explore the brilliant sounds of a full octave. This is a great addition to play spaces in preschools and childcare centers.

Ditty metallophone. If jingle is to vivo, then ditty is to animato metallophone. It is equipped with eight flat bars and is built for use of preschoolers (two to five years old). Though it only contains eight bars, the sound it produces is rich in tone. It can also be enjoyed by a single user or two (it has two rubber mallets attached to the instrument via coated steel cables).

Grandioso chimes. These chimes are made of anodized aluminum, which boasts superior durability. They come with rubber mallets that are designed to bring out the best sound quality from the chimes. This instrument can be buried to the ground or mounted on a pre-existing surface. Chimes can be played solely or shared with other kids.

Warble chimes. Also rich in tones, these chimes are Grandioso’s junior counterpart. Because they are lower in height, children in the two-to-five-year-old age bracket can easily access and have fun with them.

Outdoor musical instruments can be a great addition to a park or public playground. If you need such equipment, contact us today at General Recreation Inc.

