60th Birthday Celebration and Gifts For Him

Throwing A Birthday Celebration

Is your dad’s golden 60th birthday coming? We know, throwing a wonderful party is not easy and requires much work. This is the reason that many people avoid doing it – the time involved, the cost associated with the party theme and gifts, brainstorming 60th birthday gifts and other concerns. However, you need to know that throwing a memorable party does not have to be so difficult. With proper planning and keeping things simple,  the cost and time expended can be lowered drastically. For your beloved dad, it is definitely worth planning a great bash.

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What to put in the birthday or invitation card

When planning the celebration for the man who is turning sixty, put some funny and inspiration words onto the invitation card. Phrases like “age is just a number” and that “young at heart is the most important”, “getting better with age just like fine wine” and “congrats on your second childhood!” are cool to use. Remember that the words you use have to be sincere and heartfelt. Come out with something that speak from your heard and he will surely appreciate it.

Type of Party Theme

The best theme are those that the birthday man likes, something like a retro party that reminds him of his earlier days. Play music from the time he was a teenager or twenties. Come out with activities like trivia games to let the party attendees know more about him. These fun activities will involve younger guests so that everyone will be involved.

Gifts To Buy

Coming out with 60th birthday gift ideas for men may not be easy at first thought. But if you think of getting something that he likes or strongly associate with him, then it will be less challenging. For example, what was his main occupation in his prime years? Or what is his hobbies then and now?

The gift can be something funny or useful. For something funny like a gag gift t-shirt or mug, show everyone during the party to create a light hearted atmosphere. As for gift idea that is useful and practical, it is something that he can use it frequently like a massage pillow or a light portable chair.

Or how about something that is related to his hobbies e.g if he loves watching the NFL or NBA, something related to these sports will be highly appreciated.

In addition, personalized present with his name or year of birth to mark the occasion.

Ultimately, buy something that he knows you have spent some time pondering over it – he will undoubtedly know your thoughtfulness.

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Other Considerations

When planning the food at the party, you have to ensure that there is a variety of things available to cater to different dietary restrictions, for example low sugar or sodium. A buffet is always an excellent idea as the guests can choose the food that are suitable. For the cake, consider decorating it with “60” to make it unique to the occasion.

In conclusion, a well planned birthday party for the 60 year old man is not difficult and surely rewarding after you see the smile on his face and the guests.

