Teach Your Kids About Money

In the consumer society in which we live, our children must learn from a young age the value of money and the effort it takes to earn it. With the widespread use of cards and current spending habits, it can feel like bills are falling from the sky. Therefore, you must teach them to save and adequately manage their expenses. We present you five fun proposals to develop financial responsibility for your children.

Five Ideas To Teach Your Children To Manage Money

1.Tell them a story. The letters are not at odds with the numbers. Both online and in libraries, numerous reports can help you instil in your children the value of money and saving, but at the same time, the importance of sharing and being generous.

  1. Teach them to use a kakebo. The kakebo is an account book used in Japan by both adults and adolescents to manage the domestic economy and save. In it, the income and fixed expenses for the month are recorded, as well as what is consumed weekly in survival, leisure, culture or extras.

3.Visit a farmer’s market. There they will be able to interview farmers about the journey that the products go through until they reach their hands. The sowing, the cultivation, the harvesting, the production… and finally the sale. This chain will help them understand the value of work and the effort it takes to earn money.

  1. Get them involved in a fun savings project. Set them an attractive goal, such as travelling to Disneyland, buying a bicycle, concert ticket, guitar, or laptop, and encourage them to save for it. They can allocate part of their pay and birthday gifts to the project, and also get extra money from small jobs, such as washing the car. They can help you paint a room, babysitting, or even starting small businesses, such as selling handmade bracelets. by hand, lemonade or cookies.

5.Encourage them to contribute to a humanitarian project. You can invite them from a young age to allocate a part of their pay to help the neediest children. Most NGOs allow both occasional donations and regular contributions. With these tips your children will know the important of money and not just be English kindergarten children (ภาษา อังกฤษ เด็ก อนุบาล which is the term in Thai).

