Secure Internet: Seven Tips For Navigating With Peace Of Mind

Young people and children (and the whole family) are spending more time on the Internet. Through it, it is possible to find various forms of leisure and distraction and connect with friends and family who are far away.

With this, it is essential to maintain the safety of the network and especially for children. The term defines practices of violence that take place in virtual environments, such as social networks. Here are some essential tips by that favor safe internet browsing:

1. Do Not Install Suspicious Software

Malicious extensions steal user data and use victims’ computers to carry out denial of service attacks (attempting to make a system’s resources unavailable to its users). Choose apps carefully, giving preference to well-known and official companies.

2. Block Pop-Ups

Some windows are used to distribute malware or phishing scams. Set the browser to block them by default.

3. Don’t Be “Everyone’s Friend”

Don’t go around accepting every friend invitation you receive on social media. Private data can be easily tracked as details of your personal life. Don’t expose yourself so that people who are not from your intimate cycle know details of your day-to-day. In the case of children, the old advice always applies: “Don’t talk to strangers.”

4. Watch Videos On Popular Websites

Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime are charged, but they guarantee security. Sites with free videos of movies and series are known to spread malware. Be suspicious.

5. Make Passwords Strong

Avoid using sequential numbers and letters (1234, abcd), date of birth, or the names of relatives. Use uppercase and lowercase letters and interleaved numbers, and don’t repeat your passwords on different platforms.

6. Do Not Store Passwords In Your Browser

The use of lock passwords and different users when more than one person uses the computer is essential. The same goes for cell phones: they can grab your cell phone and access everything stored there if you’re not using a lock code.

7. Internet Is Not A “Lawless Land”

Responsibility for actions on the Internet is as valid as in the “real world.” It is necessary to use networks to consider differences and denounce behaviors such as bullying and harassment. Respect people’s opinions and don’t offend those who think differently.

