When picking up a broker, which factor would you consider first? There may have many different answers, but the most common one will be the best forex bonuses. In the article today, we will give you more details about forex bonuses covering three main points: definition, classification and methods to find a good one.

First, let learn about how to define a forex bonus

A forex bonus can be understood as a promotion which is regularly offered either to new clients or the existing and already registered ones.

It is quite easy to get a bonus. You just need to create an official registration in the website, make deposits in your account, and then choose a suitable type of bonus.

In my opinion, the 4 best forex bonuses are:

– Best welcome bonus: 30$ welcome bonus of XM

– Best welcome bonus: 50$ welcome bonus of FBS

– Best deposit bonus: 100% deposit bonus of XM

– Bonus Exness reviews: Rebate 2 – 16$ per lot of Exness

Second, let see how it is classified

There may exist many kinds of forex bonuses, but the most popular ones we should pay attention to are welcome bonus, deposit bonus and lot-back bonus (loyalty bonus).

  • Welcome bonus

Similar to no-deposit bonus, this type is provided to only new clients. Thus, it is not an option for old clients. Besides, such bonus type is really preferred as traders can check brokers without lots of risks.

  • Deposit bonus

Unlike welcome bonus, deposit bonus is given to all clients and has a close connection to traders’ deposits. If you want to get such bonus, just take two steps: register in the website, and then make a deposit. Additionally, deposit bonus is measured in %.

Example: You are given a deposit of 30%, and you deposit $100. When you make the transfer with one of the available payment methods, you will have $130 in your account.

  • Loyalty bonus

In think this type is quite familiar to you. As its name implies, such bonus is given to those who are the loyal customers on a website. They may be rewarded with special programs or something else, depending on their brokers. But how to define a loyal customer? A customer is considered to be loyal in case he/she has stayed and experienced on the website for a certain time.

Final, let consider the methods to find a perfect forex bonus

When it comes to look for some good ways to choose the best forex bonuses, we have received many advices from experts. Those that we think will be useful and memorable for you are in the link below. You can access it and find the best forex brokers 2019 for you.

