Hair Transplant Results Rated on Timeline Scale

The procedure hair transplant gives the best permanent results by implanting the DHT-resistant hair roots into the recipient balding part of the scalp. The results received after the procedure is not a miracle nor a game of overnight as it takes natural time to receive the natural growth process. However, the growth after the hair transplant procedure is a part of the natural hair growth cycle and adopt the same process as the normal hair adapt to fulfil the natural demand of the hair growth cycle.

The hair transplant results can be best rated on the timeline basis that describes the hair growth after the transplantation in terms of dormant phase, emergent phase, and the maturation phase. The first few months after the hair transplantation can be irritating as the firstly transplanted hair receives the shedding phase, but it’s only a transitional phase and cannot consider or taken seriously. The gap between transplantation and re-growth of hair followed by the shedding phase finally adopt the natural re-growth process and easily receives the normal hair characteristics in terms of colour, calibre, texture, and length.

In this write-up, we are describing the hair growth phase after receiving the hair transplant procedure rated on the Timeline basis is described below:

The healing period after the hair transplant procedure and the hair re-growth will vary from one patient to another. However, there is not a certain idea about how long the transplanted hair will take to show the full results as it might take smaller time span or a longer one that depends upon the patient’s physiological and anatomical status. Thus, there won’t be a defined timeline that describes the straight idea about the hair re-growth as it varies by patients and one must understand this fact for a clear concept about the hair transplant procedure.

Yet, we are describing an estimated elaboration to give a detail about the hair re-growth after the hair transplant procedure as follows:

  • Months 0-4 Post-procedure:

The beginning stage of immediate hair re-growth after the hair transplant procedure immediately goes through the hair falling stage, also known as the shedding period that occurs as a response to the acceptance of newly transplanted hair. Therefore, it is known as a dormant phase that lasted for 3-5 weeks. The Dormant phase of hair transplantation causes a bit swelling, redness and tenderness at the site of the implants and generally termed as the shock loss. After completing the shedding period the new hair follicles started to grow and enter normally into the resting phase or the Telogen stage, which is normally a part of the hair growth cycle.

  • Months 4-8: The Emergent phase:

This is the stage in which the re-growth process finally occurs and the pace of re-growth varies from one patient to another. However, the acceleration of growth is determined by the patient’s own physiological status. This is the stage in which the newly transplanted hair follicle has moved from the Telogen stage to the Anagen stage and the actual growth process of hair occurs that remains forever on the scalp. Initially, these hairs are thin that takes time to get the original texture and calibre.

In regards to donor areas, it is now has been completely healed and not even a single mark for the transplantation. This indicates that hair has been received the normal growth process and the transplanted hair will behave like normal hair.

  • Months 8-12: The Maturation Period:

This is the final stage of the hair re-growth process in which all the transplanted thin hairs become thicker and the actual growth of hair can be seen. The majority of transplanted hair (90-95%) achieves the total growth in terms of thickness and one can notice that newly-sprouted hairs are curved. The curving of hair actually occurs due to scarring that disappears over time as hair follicles heal more fully.

  • Months 12 & Beyond:

It takes complete a year or above in order to show the fuller result of the transplanted hair in terms of thickness, calibre, length, and texture. By 22-24 months, the full result of the transplanted hair can be seen and this is the stage when one can consider if another hair transplant session is required.


On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant is a natural way to receive the natural hair followed by a simple transferring process of hair roots and the aftermath of the procedure can be received with the fuller growth of hair that takes time to show the actual outcome.

