Fine Choices in Interior Renovation Here

The deco coaching takes place in several stages. The first is a contact that usually takes place in the house to relook. But more and more virtual coaches offer mini coaching that takes place only via the Internet: exchange of ideas, desires, sending sketches made from photos. A lesser service but that can help you find ideas that you miss to build your cozy little nest. During the visit, the coach gets to know you and your tastes, takes a lot of notes and can take pictures or sketches. The use of the Swiss Interior home renovation packages happens to be essential there.

After the visit, it’s up to the coach to work. After a few days, he will come back to see you with a kind of “book”, called notebook trends, parts to rearrange. He will describe his proposals, suggest ideas (repaint the room in two colors, put mirrors to return the light, change the staircase ramp, put sisal on the floor of the corridor, invest in a new work plan for the kitchen) and will show you sketches featuring your future new interior.

With your agreement follows the stage of the actual work. Again, the coach is here to accompany you, but not to do for you. It will be up to you to roll up your sleeves and repaint these famous walls. The coach can possibly do this work with you, especially to explain the techniques. Regarding the furnishing and the final decoration, it’s still up to you to go and buy all these little things. But you can agree together that the delivery of the decorating coach will also include in-store support. For “a few” euros more, the coach can take care of your shopping alone. But in general, getting your hands dirty and finding your own furniture and objects helps you to appropriate your new environment.

If big jobs are to be expected for a construction site, the coach can also take care of selecting the craftsmen or companies that will realize them. And he will follow their good progress.

  • dress up existing spaces without affecting the structure
  • make a room warmer in your home
  • create a desk in your living room or bedroom
  • imagine the decoration of a new space (baby room, attic etc.)
  • create or change the mood of a room in your home
  • turn a child’s room into a teenager’s room
  • customize a space by highlighting existing furniture
  • buy furniture and decorative objects and arrange them harmoniously
  • choose colors and materials (painting, wallpapers, fabrics etc.)
  • make a room more functional (entrance, corridor, clearance etc.)
  • select materials and coatings (parquet, tiles, faience etc.)
  • revamp a piece of furniture that you care about

Decoration: State of the art, discovering your needs and desires,highlighting the technical constraints – Ideas, tips and decorative advice expressed orally.

Decoration study: mood-board, plans, elevations, realistic 3D photo perspectives,color chart, color charts and samples. Advice on the choice of materials and materials is there.Then there is theselection of wall and floor coverings – Ideas, tips and tricks decorative advice expressed orally.

Deco work: Estimated works to be considered,budget evaluation, connection with building professionals,accompaniment until the delivery of the building site.

