Diversity Of English Certificates

As many of you know and will have suffered in your flesh, currently there is such a diversity of English certificates that sometimes it is challenging to decide on one weather to teach IELTS (สอน ieltswhich is the term in Thai) or not, because in the face of such diversity we try to make the course we choose as appropriate as possible to our objectives and our situation.


Cambridge is one of the most famous English certifications and one that sustains the most credibility in the face of any organization or company worldwide. It is an accepted degree at all UK universities and institutions.

It is a way of learning English, step by step, properly laying the foundations to progress each one at the pace they take. It is pleasant, practical, and very profitable learning, and what measures are your understanding and knowledge of the language. Important: The certificate does not expire.

As you know, Cambridge offers different levels depending on our command of the language.

  • Beginner A1: This level is the foundation. It does not correspond to any qualification yet because it is the level at which, above all, you learn to understand the fundamentals of the language, why it is the way it is. It would be as if we wanted to learn Japanese, and we knew absolutely nothing, not even what their kanjis are and what they mean or where they come from.
  • Elementary A2 (KET): Once this level is reached, it is necessary to obtain the first qualification called KET. At this level, the student can frequently understand phrases and expressions in especially relevant areas such as family situations, shopping, or a restaurant.
  • Lower Intermediate B1 (PET): With this level completed and approved, the student can understand the main points of texts that are known to him (such as work or social life contexts) and must know how to function in most of the situations that may arise on a trip to a country in which English is the vehicular language. You can write relatively simple texts on personal topics or that are of particular interest to you. You should also be able to describe experiences or wishes in a spoken way.
  • Intermediate B2 (FIRST): The student who acquires this level can communicate with native speakers of the language without practically any problem. You can develop detailed texts on a wide variety of topics and defend different points of view. Also, as long as you are within the field you know, you can understand complex texts.
  • Upper-intermediate C1 (Advanced): At this level, the person has progressed so much that, except in particularly technical or complicated contexts, they have an excellent command of the language. He understands texts of almost any type. He expresses himself fluently and spontaneously without signs of tension to find suitable words or expressions with a certain level of demand without problems. Hence, his use of the language is flexible and effective. At the time of writing, he knows how to do it correctly using mechanisms of connection, organization, and cohesion in the text.
  • Advanced C2 (Proficiency): This level implies mastery of the command of a language. The person must have the ability to adapt to any situation spontaneously and without any problem, practically as a native would.

This helps to determine whether to study IELTS (เรียน ieltswhich is the term in Thai) or not.


