The path taken to becoming a lawyer may seem easy, simple, and clear-cut; however, this is not always the case. An individual may experience challenges when settling on a lawyer for advice on major personal decisions or when going through a legal pursuit. In the breadth, a student may be undecided on the law course to pursue in law school. This is because there are many different types of lawyers and this may challenge the scholar when settling for a law course. The many types of lawyers are also closely related and a client may find it difficult in choosing the perfect type of lawyer to defend them in court. The client may also struggle when choosing the perfect lawyer to seek advice from on a certain matter. This article explains and sheds light on the different types of lawyers and their roles so that a client is aware of how each lawyer can help them in cases and advice too.
The type of lawyer to settle on will depend on the nature of the work to be done and the interests of the client. For this reason, some areas of law will be more appealing than others to you hence you will need to learn the responsibilities and roles of the different types of lawyers. Here are the different types of laws you may meet along the way, their roles, and how they can help you in your areas of work and interest.
1. Criminal Defense Lawyer
A Criminal Defense Lawyer advocates on behalf of people accused of any criminal activity as per the law of a certain country and ensures that their basic rights and liberties are upheld fairly as per the standards of the justice system of that country. This type of lawyer can work as a private attorney or as a public defender. A criminal defense lawyer will defend the accused by ensuring they leverage the law such that it favors the accused. Their role is to protect the best interests of the client but only within the law’s jurisdiction. A criminal defense lawyer appears in court many times as compared to other types of lawyers, especially in cases where the cases get to the trial stage.
This lawyer will help you evaluate realistically the charges against you and the availed evidence to provide advice and suggest the best way forward. In addition, the lawyer will strive to stop the charges before the filing stage by meeting with the prosecutor immediately after the arrest to give them the full picture of the situation besides what the arresting officers have already presented.
Corporate/ Business Lawyer
Business lawyers handle business legal matters and are there to ensure that all transactions a company makes are within federal, state, and local laws’ scope. They ensure that the legal framework for the company includes how to handle liability disputes, formation of dissolutions of the businesses, intellectual properties, company mergers, and acquisitions such that they are conducted by the law.
A Corporate lawyer will help their client in conducting the business legal research, write then revise the documents of law and help in negotiating contracts and help the client understand your contract well before signing it. A student will train in law generally narrow down to studying corporate law where they are issued with an extra certificate upon graduation which allows them to practice corporate law.
3. Employment and Labour Lawyer
Employment and Labour Lawyer handles the relationships between employers, unions, and employees. They help their clients deal with any issues around harassment at the workplace, discrimination, wage and terms negotiations, benefits, and the security of pension payments. Labour lawyers focus on managing the relationships between employers and unions, especially in collective bargaining. On the other hand, employment lawyers focus on issues in non-union workplaces.
To attain a certificate in this type of law, you will need to do a minimum number of courses in this particular area to gain just enough knowledge to assist people in this area. It is however not a requirement during employment but helps in giving confidence to the clients.
4. Constitutional Lawyer
A Constitutional lawyer helps in the interpretation and implementation of the constitution of a country such that the interests of institutions of government are balanced with the interests of the individuals. The roles of a constitutional lawyer include representing individuals with discrimination suits and challenging whether a piece of legislation obeys the constitution. A constitutional lawyer can also work for a university as an expert in this field. Constitutional lawyers come in handy when handling matters of civil rights and some help when arguing legal issues in the supreme court of a country.
A student of law can obtain a certificate to practice as a constitutional lawyer if they have taken the required minimum number of courses related to this field of law.
Family Lawyer
A Family Lawyer is a divorce attorney who handles matters concerning divorce on child custody, alimony, division of marital assets, and family law in general which may entail many other issues in regards to solving family disputes. In the event a divorce is processed, the family lawyer offers guidance on matters of guardianship, paternity, and child welfare after divorce and juvenile delinquency issues.
The roles of a family lawyer may include writing prenuptial agreements, resolving family feuds, helping and guiding a client when choosing legal options, and drafting family negotiations and signing contacts.
In Conclusion
The different types of lawyers are so many in numbers and are not all included in this article but we have addressed one of the commonly sought-after lawyers. The type of lawyer depends on the work to be done and the roles the lawyer is expected to play. Choosing the right lawyer for a case could save a client big time and help win a case by avoiding legal mistakes. In case a student is confused about what field of law to pursue, this article shades a lot of light on the same. Choose a field you will enjoy working in and are passionate about. This will bring out your strengths and help you get many working opportunities.