How to train a Frenchie dog without a trainer?

Although this breed is stubborn at times, but their need to keep their owners happy means they’re easy to train. A French bulldog doesn’t want very attentive care but still needs attention. It comes with fun activities for you and your dog to train together. For a low-impact way to play and practice, try a spin ball game. This lighter version of the fetch keeps your dog engaged without excessive physical exertion. Practice rolling the ball back and forth between you and your puppy. They’ll take a few times to figure out how to get the ball back to you.

The last part of training is socialization

While your Frenchie puppy may be very friendly to you, they will need a strong urge to socialize with others. You should give your puppy a chance to see other people and dogs whenever possible. Puppy classes and play days work well.

Breed characteristics

When you bring your French bulldog home, you’ll quickly learn why they’re so loved by families all over the world. This precious puppy can put a smile on anyone’s face. The Frenchie is a funny character who knows the right way to make your day. Get ready to have fun with all the tricks they can learn and all the games they are ready to play.

  • Size: 11-13 inches.
  • Weight: 18-28lb.
  • Lifespan: 10-13 years
  • Coat: A short one line.
  • Color: White, fawn and brown
  • They shed: Light to medium
  • Mood: Gentle, cute, willful, naughty but calm.
  • Intelligence: moderate
  • Socialization: Must be alerted to socialize outside the family.
  • Destructive behavior: Howls when left alone
  • People skills: Have a lot of understanding and empathy
  • Well with children: Yes.
  • Activity level: Low to medium.

Two of the hardest parts of training

The varieties are broken house and crate training. Because a Frenchie dog has a small bladder, they may have trouble knowing that they need to go to the toilet. Make sure your puppy knows where the restroom is and take it there whenever they finish eating or playing. They will eventually take this and learn that they need to get out there on their own. For crate training this is essential as it will help them feel safe while you are away. Fill the crate with some of your puppy’s favorite toys and treats and make sure it’s a place for them to feel safe.

