How to Perform Keyword Research for Improving Your App Visibility

So, you are going to launch your app soon? Eager to see millions of users tapping on your app install button? Launching your own mobile application is, undoubtedly, an exciting moment. The ending of the great journey you have traveled since the day the app idea popped into your head. However, not all ending are ‘happy endings’.

With the tremendous increasing number of apps in the mobile market, it has become even difficult for the apps to catch the attention of the end users and drive higher downloads. It might be possible that your app remains alien to them. They never come to know about your app. Sounds scary, right?

Well, though you cannot do anything with the increasing app numbers, you can clear your path by focusing on the right keywords on your app store page. Keywords, just as in the case of websites, act as a key to unlock the door for higher app visibility and downloads. Taking the same thought forward, here we will discuss the right way to find the keywords for your app and add them into your app product page.

So, let’s begin.

A Comprehensive Guide to How to Find the Right Keyword

  1. Do Brainstorming

The initial step for Keyword research and optimization is brainstorming. Get into the customers’ shoe and think of all the possible queries they can make. Let’s say, if you developed an app like Careem or Uber, the queries will be like:

  1. How to book a ride on Careem/Uber
  2. How to pay for the ride
  3. How to get a cost estimate

Discuss with your team, interact with the users and make a database of keywords – focusing primarily on the plural form for better search possibilities. You can also use Google’s autocomplete in the search field and Related Searches to determine the different variations of your keywords.

  1. Perform Competitive Analysis

Another effective method to find out the right keywords for app visibility is to perform competitive analysis. Search on App Store (or Play Store) for your competitor app, as shared in the image below:

Look into the app store pages of those apps and see what kind of keywords are they using. Analyze if they are gaining any profit from those keywords. If so, add them to your list.

  1. Modify the Keywords

Seeing the cut-throat competition in the mobile market, it is not enough to have a set of keywords with you. It is necessary for the mobile app development companies to modify the keywords to target their niche market, while making a possibility for the global market as well.

When talking about modifying the keywords, you can optimize the chosen keywords using different modifiers, like:

Modifier Examples
Platform Mobile app for Android, iPhone app, Android mobile app
Targeted Users Mobile app for students, Mobile apps for Small Business owners, Mobile application for Travelers
Purpose Real-time ride booking app, On-time taxi booking app, Ridesharing app
Location Mobile app development company in USA, Mobile app developers UAE, App Development Agency India
  1. Shift from Cliche to Unique Keywords

For making better keywords, you can also turn towards platforms like Quora, Ubersuggest and Answerthepublic to see what all prepositions, locations, and other criteria are being considered while building your keywords list. For example, here’s what I found when I search for ‘ride sharing app’ on

  1. Consider SERP Analysis

It is often possible that the keywords with the higher search volume and relevancy might not have a lot of traffic. So, it is advisable for the mobile app development companies to consider SERP analysis. Check for the organic traffic results on every individual keyword and pick the right combination of keywords with higher, medium and lower organic results. This will make it easier for you to select the keywords that eventually leads to higher conversion.

Now, as you have come up with a list of keywords and have decided which keywords you will target on your app store page, the next move is to employ them into ASO marketing.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Optimizing Your App Store Page with Keywords

  1. App Title (App Name)

Whether you talk about Android app development or iOS app development, the algorithm followed by both the app stores checks for keywords in the app name. Also, a market research unveiled that apps using keywords in their title gains 10.3% higher position in the App Store search ranking when compared to those who don’t. So, add keyword into your app name.

But, make sure it seems genuine. Do not just stuff keywords into the app title. Make a right balance of the keywords and branding, like Careem did.

  1. App Subtitle

Introduced in iOS 11 and applicable only for iOS apps, this is yet another field provided by the App Store to complement the app title and add relevant keywords.

When talking about adding keywords in your app’s subtitle, bear in mind that this keyword will be indexed in app store search. So, choose wisely.

  1. App Description

Google, as said by a mobile app development company, weighs more importance on the keywords in your app description. So, consider the description region as the biggest resources to add keywords and improve your app visibility. And while optimizing your app description with suitable keywords, keep it certain that you use the prime keywords in the above-the-fold section (as shown in the image below). This will enhance the app ranking as well as attract a wider audience.

App Store does not give value to the keywords added into the description. But, this does not mean that the iOS application developers overlook this practice. They can also look forward to optimizing the app description.

  1. In-app Purchases

Both Google and Apple index the In-app purchases’ name in the app search. In fact, Apple (since the advent of iOS 11) displays name, promotional image and description of each in-app purchase, scroll them in search results and feature them on Today, Apps, and Games tabs. So, do not overlook this opportunity to create various in-app purchases for your app product page, insert keywords and maximize the app exposure.

So, now as you know the right way to find the keywords and optimize your app product page, put it into action. Use the best optimal keywords wisely and improve your app visibility. And in case you have any query, feel free to leave a comment below.

