Placing an order on for their bag and getting it delivered in no time is very much encouraging. When my Hermes Evelyn shooulder bag got delivered I immediately had to check on their website and I realised I was actually getting my money’s worth. The bag is flawless, its finishing is to die for!!! I could not believe that they could make a proper replica of the bag. I was distrusting of their services at first but I can say first hand that they are genuine and legit and actually know what they are doing. I love the flat pocket at the bag. They stitched it properly that I am able to put my phone and money there without hoping it won’t fall off. The texture and description match everything that is written on Their bag is durable, it does not peel off nor does it change colours after washing. I know this for a fact because I have washed their bags in and out and it stays the exact same. Their shipping did not take as long as some other sellers, it was very fast. The way the bag was packaged for shipping was good, I received it in a very dry and clean state. Their sales team treated me with utmost importance. My Hermes Evelyne shoulder bag is simply beautiful. Their tailors should be given more than a pat at the back, they did more than their jobs. I am glad, I am happy, I am a satisfied customer. Waiting for their next set of bags, my bag collection needs more of their products.
Fast delivery and shipping