Cost Of Certified Translations

A general cost calculation for Certified Translation Service in Bangkok cannot be set up so easily, as there is a lot to pay attention to. The price and the processing time depend on various factors; these are above all:

  • language combination
  • Desired delivery time
  • text Size
  • Type or difficulty of the text

So there is no rule of thumb for the price calculation, but in general 2 types of calculation are valid in some countries:

Flat Rate: Since the source text is often an official document (eg, certificates, commercial register extracts, etc.) that is scanned or paper-based, sometimes the amount of text cannot be determined accurately. Therefore, it is roughly estimated, and thus a flat rate for the service determined.

Line Price Or Word Price: Certified translations are usually calculated according to the line price, which, depending on the level of difficulty of the language, is 1.00 or 2.00 dollar. There may also be an attestation fee; depending on the translator and language, this is between 5.00 and 20.00 dollar.

It must also be noted that translations of short texts (eg, a birth certificate) often require a minimum amount, ie, no line or word fee. The sworn translators or the language specialists of the translation offices will gladly inform you of the amount in case of a specific request. In addition, additional costs for the shipping of the translation may apply (for some, the shipping costs are already included in the price).

Need A Cost Estimate For Your Certified Translation

There are a lot online platform out there can be of help. Feel free to send them the documents via their online inquiry or by e-mail; they will be pleased to inform you as soon as possible and reliably about their service and the price of the certified translation work you need.

