Can I take CBD oil with my anti-contraceptive pill? Are there any contraindications?
Many young women have been asking these two questions since the cannabidiol (CBD) market has grown exponentially.
CBD is basically freely available for sale. You can buy it in different forms: oil, tablets, crystals, inflorescences and extracts. It has no psychotropic effects and is a natural product with no side effects; reasons why many consumers have become very interested in CBD and its benefits.
Girls and young women have decided to use CBD oil for the purpose of treating typically female problems: issues or minor ailments related to pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and problems with the reproductive system.
Obtaining positive and satisfactory results.
In fact, this research, which appeared in the Online Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine, shows that CBD can be useful in treating PMS, particularly in better managing migraines, menstrual pain, and mental and emotional distress.
Are there contraindications with the hormonal pill?
Birth control pill and CBD oil.
Normally there should be no interference between the birth control pill and CBD. Only if the pill were to contain estrogen and CBD intake were particularly high, the efficacy of the pill might decrease.
Usually, products with less than 40-45% cannabidiol do not interfere with the action of common birth control pills.
In contrast, there are no known interactions with progesterone-based pills, and it is reasonable to assume that CBD oil can be taken freely regardless of percentages.
Everybody is different; not all women take the same birth control pill.
Always consult your doctor or gynecologist, it is the best choice to ensure safe, efficient, and controlled CBD consumption in the midst of wellness.
It is important to inform the appropriate professional about our choices. In addition, each doctor is bound by professional secrecy, and privacy is safe even if I were to talk about other cannabinoids.
Is CBD Oil a drug?
No. Although its benefits are proven, CBD is not a drug. It has several benefits: it strengthens the immune system, preserves health and body condition. And among its many properties include antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, plus it relaxes the muscular system. This allows for pain relief during the menstrual cycle, which for many women is a bothersome experience.
CBD is here, and it can help relieve discomfort and aid in the restoration of natural well-being. While you’re here, you can check out our CBDTHERAPY oils: they are made from the purest crystals, in organic olive oil, flavored with natural terpenes, 100% made in Italy.
[ https://www.cbdtherapydelivery.it/categoria-prodotto/olio-cbd/ ]
Ongoing studies
Oregon Health and Science University has called for more in-depth research regarding cannabidiol and contraceptive pills in 2020. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how cannabidiol (CBD) affects the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills and whether CBD alters the possible side effects of birth control pills if and when they are taken together. The research explores the potential interaction between CBD and the birth control pill, which will allow: better assessment of serum levels of hormones when CBD is also used. Results are expected to be released in the second half of 2022.
Taking CBD oil is risk-free, it can benefit the whole body, general well-being due to its endless properties. Many studies are still ongoing, many others already concluded attest to its real benefits in total relaxation and well-being.